Romarin A Camphre Huile Essentielle Bio 10ml Pranarom



Prix Selfpharma: €12.90
(tax incl.) €12.17 (tax excl.)
You can order: 3 quantity of this product

Grows in the wild around the mediterranean basin, rosemary, Rosmarinus officinalis, is a shrub of the family Lamiacea (Labiatae). It has many virtues of plant protection, but it is also a herb condiment and melliferous plant (rosemary honey is famous), as well as a product commonly used in perfumery. Its name means in latin, word for word, “dew of the sea“ because it grows spontaneously at the edge of the sea, but according to the gospel tradition \"Rosemary\" means the “Rose of Mary“ (Rosemary in English).

Tips & Tricks:
For the muscle contractions, apply locally 2 drops HECT Rosemary with camphor + 2 drops HECT Wintergreen lying + 10 drops of HV apricot kernel.

2 drops, 3 times per day on a neutral (honey, cane sugar, vegetable oil).
Oral: ++
Dermal: ++++
Aerial distribution: -
Inhalation aerosol: -
+++++ = highly recommended – (!) use with caution

• Not recommended in cases of high blood pressure or epilepsy. • Keep out of reach of young children. • Is not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. • Do not exceed the stated dose. • Unless authorized advice, do not use during pregnancy and lactation and in children under 3 years of age. • Keep away from any source of heat and light.

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