Biogam K Fl 60ml



Prix Selfpharma: €11.49
(tax incl.) €10.84 (tax excl.)
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BIOGAM POTASSIUM is a solution containing all mineral elements as biocatalysts capable of increasing the speed of réactionschimiques essential to the life and proper functioning of the body.The biocatalysts :- Boost metabolism-general and cellular (activation of the reactions of synthesis or dégradationdes molecules carbohydrate, lipid and protein).- Maintain the balance of the energy exchanges and the oxidative processes of cellular respiration.Potassium, the proposed dose, is a modifier field in particular during manifestationsfonctionnelles cramps, and in the case of water retention.

POSOLOGIEAdultes and children above 10 years : 2ml of the solution biocatalytic 1 to 2 times per day.Children below 10 years of age : 1ml, 1 to 2 times per day.MODE EMPLOIPour measuring a dose (1dose = 2ml) : plunge the syringe into the solution, pull back on the plunger until lagraduation 2ml.The solution can be consumed pure or diluted in a little water, e.g. 15 ml (tbsp).Keep one or two minutes in the mouth before swallowing.To be taken between meals.Keep the bottle tightly closed after use.Storage store in a cool preferably

Solution biocatalytic containing per dose of 2 ml: 40 µg of potassium in the form of potassium gluconate.

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