Floradyle Blanchiment Dent Gel 4ml+dentifrice 50ml



Prix Selfpharma: €129.00
(tax incl.) €106.61 (tax excl.)
block Out-of-Stock
You can order: 3 quantity of this product
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Whitening Kit dental.
How to use it ? 15 to 25 minutes per day for 14 days. 1. Turn the end cap which is located at the other end of the brush for your gel pen. Evenly apply 2 drops of gel on the upper teeth, and 2 drops on the lower teeth. There is no need to apply to the gum. For best results, make sure that your lips don't touch your teeth as this may remove the gel that you just apply. Keep the mouth open and place the tray DIRECTLY in between your teeth. 2. Connect the appliance LED to a smartphone iPhone or Android using the double adapter. 3. Make sure you have placed the mouthpiece in your mouth before turning it on. 4. Activate the product with the switch. Arrange in a position of semi-horizontal (on your bed or your sofa, for example) with your head tilted slightly back (so that your saliva does not flow out in front and does not remove the gel from your teeth). During this time, you can have fun with your smartphone or watch tv, for example. 5. The timer will automatically turn off 25 minutes later with a beep sound. Remove the mouthpiece from your mouth (and wash in cold water COLD after use). 6. Finally, clean your teeth STRAIGHTAWAY with the toothpaste FLORADYLE. To get the desired effect, the gel and the toothpaste should be used together. It is essential to use the toothpaste FLORADYLE rather than any other brand.

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