Lehning Rexorubia Gran 350g



Prix Selfpharma: €17.45
(tax incl.) €16.46 (tax excl.)
block Out-of-Stock
You can order: 3 quantity of this product
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Homeopathic medicine traditionally used in disorders of growth, mineralisation and during breast-feeding.
Natrum sulfuricum 3 DH
Silicea 3 DH
Calcarea carbonica 2 DH
Calcarea iodata 4 DH
Calcarea phosphorica 2 DH
Natrum phosphoricum 2 DH
Magnesia phosphorica 2 DH
Ferrum phosphoricum 2 DH
Rubia tinctoria 2 DH
Juglans regia pulvis 2 DH
Excipients to substantial effect : lactose, saccharose

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