Draineur l V-caps 60



Prix Selfpharma: €28.10
(tax incl.) €26.51 (tax excl.)
You can order: 3 quantity of this product
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The Drainer \"L\" is a nutritional supplement in the form of capsules, which contain the dry extract of desmodium, artichoke and turmeric.

The Drainer \"L\" is part of a concept-specific health and may, together with the other Draineurs Decola, be used in the form of cure of 30 days (spring-fall)

2 x 1 capsule per day during the meal

Active ingredients per capsule vegetable

Desmodium adscendens L. - extract 175 mg

Cynara scolymus L. extract 125 mg

Curcuma longa L. extract 100 mg

Piper nigrum 1 mg


Vegetable Capsule HPMC - Gelling agent: rice powder

This product is guaranteed free of lactose, gluten free, no sweetener, no flavoring or preservative

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