Flax Oil High Lignan 473ml



Prix Selfpharma: €24.95
(tax incl.) €23.54 (tax excl.)
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Flax Oil High Lignan is a mixture of oil of a linen seed and powder of flaxseed, respectively rich in alpha-linolenic acid and lignans. With this oil it becomes very simple to consume a serving of essential fatty acids omega-3 in the framework of a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.

The oil is produced without preservatives, bleaches, or hexane.

  • An ideal source of plant omega-3/9 rich in alpha-linolenic acid.
  • Pressed to 100% by expeller unrefined.

Add 1 to 2 teaspoons of oil to your smoothie morning favorite, or fruit juice.

Oil of a linen seed organic non-refined (98%) rich in alpha-linolenic acid, with lignans.

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