Hypo-fit Direct Energy Orange Sach 12x18g



Prix Selfpharma: €14.50
(tax incl.) €13.68 (tax excl.)
You can order: 3 quantity of this product
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Designed for adults from 16 years:

. Patients with diabetes mellitus in case of hypoglycemia

. Athletes who need a good boost

. Students who need extra concentration

Hypo-fit Direct Energy is a glucose gel in a convenient sachet, it does not stick in the mouth and is absorbed very quickly through the salivary glands. As well sugars of Hypo-fit Direct Energy can act without delay, and you immediately go fishing. Hypo-fit Direct Energy is very strong : 1 Sachet is equivalent to 4.5 tablets of fructose ! As a diabetic it is recommended to have a dose in your pocket. You never know when you happen to suffer from hypoglycemia. Hypo-fit Direct Energy Bag Thanks to the practical format and the strength of the packaging, Hypo-fit Direct Energy is easy to carry.

Product information Hypo-fit Direct Energy

. Contents : 12 sachets of 18 grams each

. 1 bag = 15,66 g of carbohydrate = 66 Kcal / 268 Kj

. Taste : orange

. Without dyes

. Without preservatives

. Age : from 16 years

. Gluten-free

. provides the energy necessary for an Improvement

of the benefits and the concentration

. Is fast

. Without conservative

. 100% gluten free

. Ideal for athletes, diabetics, and students

. 1 bag = 15,66 gr carbohydrate= 66 Kcal / 268Kj

. Taste: Orange

. Solution ready-to-use in a convenient package

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