Respi Free Nose Spray 30ml

Respi Free


Prix Selfpharma: €10.95
(tax incl.) €9.05 (tax excl.)
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For the treatment of a stuffy nose several options are possible:

1. A device vasoconstrictor and, therefore, a nasal decongestant: that is façonsymptomatique, which attacks the mucous membranes and ensures a dependency when the utilisationpendant more than 7 days

2. A device that treats inflammation, a corticosteroid nasal:effective and least harmful, only works after a few days

3. Solution of sea water with an osmotic effect: works immediately, without effetssecondaires, can be used indefinitely for a long period

Nurse Free Nose is a decongestant, 100% natural relieving the symptoms that apparaissentlors of a nasal congestion

Nurse Free Nose releases the nose and relieves the pressure of the sinuses through the mechanism of osmosis natural.Lasolution of sea water hypertonic (2.3% of NaCl) reduced the swelling of the nasal mucosa, humidifieet cleans the nasal passages, eliminating mucous membranes accumulated, crusts, dust, dirt,pollen, allergens and pathogens.

The effectiveness of a water solution of hypertonic sea, is used in the Nurse Free Nose, has been cliniquementprouvée in several scientific studies.

Recommended for adults, children and babies from 6 months:

  • In case of nasal congestion following by example: rhinitis (due to an infection or allergies), colds and flu.
  • In case of sinus congestion due to for example: sinusitis
  • For the prevention of secondary infections of the nose and ears, and complications, such as, for example:ear infection
  • In order to promote the healing of an intervention endonasale (sinus)
  • For daily hygiene, for example: in a polluted environment
  • For the humidification in a dry environment

1 to 3 sprays in each nostril, 2 to 3 times per day or according to doctor's instructions.

Sea water 21 ml, purified water q. s. 30 ml, equivalent to 23g/L NaCl (2.3 per cent). Without conservatives. Without medicinal ingredients. Without chemical additives.

No side effects have been observed when using the water solution of hypertonic sea used in Nurse Free Nose. Safe use during pregnancy and lactation, in patients with thyroid disease, high blood pressure, heart disease or diabetes. Keep out of reach of children. Only suitable for use in the nose. Do not use after the expiry date on the packaging.

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