Delical Creme Dessert Hp-hc Z/lact.caramel 4x125g

Dessertcrème HP-HC lactose-arm: aanbevolen bij- eiwit-energieondervoeding (bejaarden, kanker, ziekte van Alzheimer), alle aandoeningen met een cachectisch of katabool effect, anorexia, gebrek aan eetlust, spieratrofie;- lactose-intolerantie (primair of secundair) of afkeer van melk;- diarree of gevoelige stoelgang;- slikstoornissen, pijnlijke slikbeweging;- problemen bij het kauwen en problemen aan het gebit.
Prix Selfpharma: € 9,98
(incl. btw) € 9,42 (excl. BTW)
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Undernutrition protein-energy (the elderly, cancer, Alzheimer's disease), pathology cachectisante or catabolisante, anorexia or loss of appetite, muscle wasting,

Lactose intolerance (primary or secondary) or dislike of the milk,

Diarrhea or transit sensitive,

Trouble swallowing, painful swallowing,

Problems with chewing or teething

1 to 4 pots of 125 g per day to adapt according to the needs of the patient or according to medical prescription. To be taken in lieu of dessert regular or as a snack. Drink it chilled, preferably by placing them in the refrigerator a few hours before consumption.

Use under medical supervision, only in addition to the normal diet.

Not suitable for children under 3 years of age.

The prescription is to adapt it for patients with renal and/or hepatic impairment or for use in the paediatric population.

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